The Bulletproof Hero Code

Every hero has a Code. Here's mine.


November 2019

★ The Bulletproof Hero is made not born
★ The Bulletproof Hero only judges himself yesterday
★ The Bulletproof Hero does more than he thinks he can
★ The Bulletproof Hero owns his fear and takes action anyway
★ The Bulletproof Hero disciplines his body and mind to wage war on weakness
★ The Bulletproof Hero puts service before self
★ The Bulletproof Hero owns his mistake and makes it right
★ The Bulletproof Hero respectfully defends what is right
★ The Bulletproof Hero does the right thing especially when it's hard
★ The Bulletproof Hero knows himself and his enemy
★ The Bulletproof Hero stays on the path to being legendary
★ I am the Bulletproof Hero